Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited has taken definitive steps in ensuring that all employees, officers, members of the Board and all such relevant persons follow strict guidelines while trading in the shares of the Company. The Insider Trading Policy codifies the Company’s standards on trading and enabling the trading of securities of the Company or other publicly traded companies while in possession of material non-public information.

The general guidelines within the policy state that:

  1. No trading in the securities of the Company is permitted for directors and all employees who are “Executives” as defined in relevant laws within the Closed Periods announced by the Company.
  2. No insider may purchase or sell any Company’s security while in possession of material non-public information about the Company, its customers, suppliers, consultants or other companies with which the Company has contractual relationships or may be negotiating transactions.
  3. No insider who knows of any material non-public information about the Company may communicate that information to any other person, including family and friends.
  4. In addition, no insider may purchase or sell any security of any other company, whether or not issued by the Company, while in possession of material non-public information about the company that was obtained in the course of his or her involvement with the Company in the way of conducting official business. No insider who knows of any such material non-public information may communicate that information to any other person, including family and friends.

The Company’s Responsibility to Disclose Inside Information

The Company’s responsibility, in case of inside information made known to a third party, shall be to ensure that in such case the knowledge is given full public disclosure or if such information still needs to be kept non-public then the Company must ensure that the third party, is placed under legal obligation to maintain confidentiality.


Modern Motors House, Beaumont Road,
UAN: +92 21 111-354-111
TEL: +92 21 35683566-35683567-35688348-35689538
FAX: +92 21 35683425


Sub Post Office Sugar Mill Jamrao, Umerkot Road
Mirpurkhas, Sindh
UAN: +92 (91) 111-000-009
TEL: +92 (233) 517061-2
FAX: +92 (233) 506010

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