A Conflicts of Interest Policy has been developed by Mirpurkhas Sugar to provide a framework for all directors of the Company (“Directors”) to disclose actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

The policy provides guidance on what constitutes a conflict of interest and how it will be managed and monitored by the Company.

The policy is applicable to Directors as the Company strongly believes that a Director owes certain fiduciary duties, including the duties of loyalty, diligence and confidentially to the Company which requires that the Directors act in good faith on behalf of the Company and to exercise his or her powers for stakeholders’ interests and not for their own or others interest.

Management of Conflict of Interest
The Company stands fully committed to the transparent disclosures, management and monitoring of actual potential or perceived conflicts of interest. All Directors under the policy are obligated and have a duty to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

Any Director with personal interest, relationship or responsibility which conflicts with the interest of the Company or its shareholders shall excuse himself or herself from any discussions on the matter that would give rise to the conflict of interest and, if necessary, from the Board meeting, or applicable part thereof.


Modern Motors House, Beaumont Road,
UAN: +92 21 111-354-111
TEL: +92 21 35683566-35683567-35688348-35689538
FAX: +92 21 35683425


Sub Post Office Sugar Mill Jamrao, Umerkot Road
Mirpurkhas, Sindh
UAN: +92 (91) 111-000-009
TEL: +92 (233) 517061-2
FAX: +92 (233) 506010

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